Im Porträt: Bruno Buracchio, Key Account Manager

“My sweetest success? When potential customers become regular customers!”

Bruno Buracchio is not a man to hesitate. When a pancreatic stone forced him into a hospital stay in 2015, he took a hard look at his life. Was this still the life he, his wife and their four children once wanted? No, they all agreed, it’s time for something new!

Only one year and 11 days later, they packed up and took their German roots back to Germany. They loaded a sea freight container with all the things of sentimental value from their old lives in Chile. Here in Mannheim, they all started from scratch. Buracchio signed up for a German course and started looking for a job.

His neighbor, who works for eutecma, told him about our company. A little later, Bruno Buracchio started working in production. There he learned all about our product line, familiarized himself with our processes – and two months later, takes the initiative: He tells us he studied nine years at the University de Chile and worked there. Is a trained pharmacist, knows the market and has many ideas how to use our products.

And we didn’t have to think twice: After only two days, Bruno Buracchio joined our Distribution Department as a Key Account Manager. He has been in charge of our international customers ever since. He is in touch with Thailand and Taiwan, manages customers in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, and sells eutecma cooling packaging to Canada, the USA and Jordan.

Starting from the first contact via email or phone all the way to placing an order, qualification, freight planning and delivery, all the way to final billing, our customers are in the excellent and competent hands of Mr. Buracchio. He is brimming with enthusiasm for eutecma, since „the beauty of our products is that they are not only simple but highly effective.“
His specialty, by the way, is cold calling potential customers. Everybody that ever tried this approach knows: It is a tough job to do, but the strong-willed 40-year old likes exactly that about it – doing the research and the follow-ups. The fact that sometimes up to four months might go by from first contact to placing an order, does not scare him off. His sweetest success? „When potential customers become regular customers!“

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